How often do people go through life being afraid to risk anything for fear of being hurt, harmed financially or even killed? Of course these are all natural concerns, and there are certain things the average person obviously should not attempt. I'm not talking about skydiving or putting your safety at risk if that isn't your thing. However if we never venture outside the box, we never realize how much we can accomplish in life.
Most of what we fear as humans never comes to pass. Below are the top four risks you need to take more often.
1. Risk awkward conversations: speak candidly
The quality of your relationships is determined by the quality of the conversations you have in them. Too often we choose the path of safety and fail to speak up about the issues that are weighing us down. Engaging in a real face-to-face conversation (or at least to pick up the phone) whenever there are sensitive issues to be addressed will build trust and influence in ways that nothing else can.
2. Risk ignorance: challenge assumptions
We all have our own ideas about how the world works and how things 'should' be. But as the world is changing fast, the ideas of yesterday are quickly becoming outdated. Be willing to throw them out and step into a place of "not knowing". Acknowledging your ‘ignorance’ allows you to acquire new confidence and learning that will provide opportunities. These will enable you to arrive at a place you truly want to go.
3. Risk rejection: flout conformity
We all want to be liked and I’ve yet to meet anyone who enjoys being criticized, much less rejected. We’re just wired that way. Yet when all we do is conform, all we have to offer is conformity. Be willing to walk your own path, express your own opinion and do what’s true for you versus what others expect of you. It’s not easy, but it’s what sets you apart from the crowd.
4. Risk imperfect decisions: be decisive despite uncertainty
We become more cautious and less willing to take risks as we age. We start out willing to fail as we learn to walk and talk and swim and ride a bike, but somewhere along the line we come to think that we have to get it right first time, every time, before even starting out.
Making no decision and sticking with the status quo isa decision. The question to continually ask yourself, is "what is the risk of staying where you are " ?
Sure there are risks on the other side of your comfort zone. But, that’s where the rewards are.
As you begin to step out your comfort zone, you not only build confidence to handle risks, but create opportunities you’re not able see from where you are now. The only way you can find your passion and the need for it, is to take a risk, no matter how large or small the step must be taken. Once you have achieved your goal you will look back and wonder what the big deal was, and why you were afraid. This is the time to silently pat yourself on the back for a job well done and move on to the next challenge.